Thursday, May 31, 2012

Flores & Tikal - Pure Bliss

After six days in Caye Caulker relishing the Caribbean water we depart the island paradise in pursuit of a new destination. After a brief water taxi from Cake Caulker we arrive in Belize City (bus depot), which will then take Amy and I to San Ignacio for a nights rest, then onto Flores, Guatemala. 

When arriving in Flores you notice how dense the island is when crossing the bridge, with many colonial red-roofed buildings supported by narrow cobblestone streets. After good reports we head to Los Amigos Hostel for a night, as we would be heading to Tikal the next day. Similar to many other travellers our main reason for visiting Flores was to visit Guatemala's largest Mayan ruins, Tikal. 

The following afternoon we book a shuttle to the Tikal ruins which are a few hours from Flores and costs 120q for a return ticket. Rather than doing a day trip we decided to book an overnight stay at the Jaguar Inn, as there were 6 of us and so we could see the sunrise the following morning.

After our two hour shuttle we arrive in Tikal, where our driver informs us that the pass is available for today (as there was only two hours left until it closed) and the following day. Hearing this we race off the bus and drop our bags in the hotel and make our way to the Tikal ruins just nearby. After a short walk and a few stairs we were fortunate enough to arrive at the top of temple IV to a beautiful rainbow directly over the ruins, such an amazing, amazing view.

The following morning we awake in the early hours as we heard that Tikal was best viewed at this time. We make our way through the ruins in darkness accompanied by a security guard (who I will mention shortly) back to temple IV as it was the highest lookout to see the sunrise. We reach the top as the sun is about to rise to complete silence, followed by the jungle coming alive with howling monkeys that call out with a horrible dog-dying-slowly sound and birds screeching at first light.

Basically to do the sunrise tour on your own will cost 150q to enter the ruins, 100q for the sunrise pass, 50q to bribe security at the gate (to let you through early) and 100q each for accommodation. All in all defiantly worth it.

So when visiting Flores, Make sure you visit the:
Mayan Tikal ruins; and
Flores lake for a swim

Until next time

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